Heather Henson is a contemporary puppet artist whose work promotes harmony and healing for the planet through artistic spectacle and discussion. Backed by a degree from Rhode Island School of Design and studies at CalArts in 2000, Heather created a multi-platform production company entitled IBEX Puppetry to honor the creativity in herself and others.

For the past several years, Heather’s story telling has been heavily impacted by her sense of kinship with the endangered species of the world, particularly Whooping Cranes. First moved by the plight of the Florida wetlands and their inhabitants, she designed the UNIMA Citation of Excellence-winning stage show Panther and Crane. More recently, inspired by the healing partnerships formed between cranes and teams of humans at The International Crane Foundation, she has brought animals and elemental forces of our planet out to frolic and fly among human audiences with her Endangered Species Parade, Celebration of Flight, and FLIGHT: A Crane's Story.
The Environmental Spectacles of Heather Henson advocate for harmonious relationships between all the species and planetary forces of our beautiful Earth.
In addition to her original environmentally-themed works, IBEX Puppetry also produces Heather’s Sing Along events and nurtures the work of independent puppet artists creating works for stage, screen, and gallery through direct production efforts in its home state of Florida, the internationally-traveling Handmade Puppet Dreams film festival, and a network of grants and support known as the Puppet Slam Network.
Heather is a Trustee for the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center and sits on the Board of Directors for The International Crane Foundation and The Jim Henson Legacy.
Where can I download images of Heather Henson?
- Still images available for download here (credits & descriptions contained in photo file metadata)
- If you require higher resolution or additional imagery, please include your parameters and deadline in an email with the subject "Heather Henson Media Request" addressed to our Digital Media Producer at Jack.Fields@ibexpuppetry.com
Booking appearances by Heather Henson
- To book Heather in conjunction with a proposed or scheduled IBEX Puppetry project or workshop, please contact our Company Manager at Frank.Ramirez@ibexpuppetry.com with the subject "Booking Heather Henson with [event name]"—include details about your proposed date and location
Press Information
- For more information on IBEX Puppetry, visit here
- To browse articles, interviews, and features on Heather Henson, visit here (coming soon)
- To download promotional bios for Heather Henson, visit here (coming soon)
- To contact Heather for quotes, interviews, or other press-related needs related to IBEX Puppetry projects, please contact our Director of Marketing and Public Relations at hannah.miller@ibexpuppetry.com