Comparable to participatory film experiences like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Heather Henson's Sing Alongs provide family-friendly, raucous interactions with the classic films of Heather’s father, Jim Henson. The IBEX Puppetry Sing Along crew brings elements of the films to life for the audience via puppetry, kiting, and shadow acting.
“Sing Alongs allow me to connect with the work of my father. I can work with my Dad’s material. I can put a new spin on it but it’s still his stuff, intact. And it gives me an opportunity to watch them and over again!”
~Heather Henson
Children and adults alike are urged to yell out famous lines, blow bubbles, dance in the aisles, and of course, sing along with the movies to forge new or renew connections to films from another generation. The current catalogue of IBEX Puppetry Sing Alongs includes interactive events for 1979’s The Muppet Movie and 1986’s Labyrinth.
Goblin Party Interactive (Sing Along With Labyrinth)
Labyrinth is a 1986 fantasy film directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lucas, and based upon conceptual designs by Brian Froud. The film stars David Bowie as the Goblin King and Jennifer Connelly as a young girl who must conquer the Goblin King’s maze to rescue her brother from him.
"If you’re a Labyrinth fan this one is a must-see!"
~Andrew Young,
The Sing Along with Labyrinth experience provides the audience with boulders, blowers, and bite-size treats to bring young and old through the screen into the epic battles and glamorous ballroom scenes. Flying babies, elegant kites, silly puppets, and hilarious shadow acting create a tribute to the film that is half tongue-in-cheek and half sincere celebration of this cult classic young adult fantasy.
Where can I see videos of Heather Henson's Sing Alongs?
- Additional videos of past performances can be found on our YouTube Channel under the playlist "Sing Alongs"
- If you would like a high-quality download of any of these videos for promotional use, please use the subject line "video request" and send to
Booking Heather Henson's Sing Alongs
- Download our technical rider here
- Read reviews from previous bookings here
- Contact IBEX Company Manager Frank Ramirez with the subject heading "SING ALONG booking enquiry" at with your proposed location and dates
Press Information
- Download photos for Sing Along with Labyrinth here
- To arrange interviews, appearances, autograph sessions, or additional promotional materials, contact with the subject "SING ALONG press request"
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